Our Story

Hutch’s Honey Inc. is a family-run commercial bee operation that is into the third generation of Hutchison’s tending the hives. It was started in the early 1960’s when the founder, Jerry Hutchison, moved his family home from Colorado to purchase the local drug store. What started out as a sideline hobby for the local pharmacist has turned into a passion and full-time occupation for his son, Brad and grandson, Braden.

Today, Hutch’s Honey Inc. is a 4,000 colony operation that produces sweet clover honey from the river hills of South Dakota during the summer and pollinates the almond groves of California in the late winter. The rest of the year, the bees are being kept the Hutchison’s second home in Texas, where they raise queens and maintain their number of colonies.

Hutch’s Honey Inc. is a commercial/wholesale operation, however, in 2020, a retail branch was started by Braden and is being marketed as B&L Honey. B&L Honey specializes in sweet clover honey and creamed honey and has created some wonderful infused honeys in both varieties. Some of their current flavors include jalapeno, lavender, lemon, peanut butter, and apple pie spice.